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Adult Leadership Positions

Adult Volunteers

Our Scout Parents are always welcome to attend the monthly Committee meetings. Your input is always of value and may be helpful in making our Troop expand its horizons. New thought, ideas and even your help on committees will help our Troops to grow.  Our Troops never turn away interested adult volunteers, especially now that we’ve added a Troop for Girls!  We can always find a position within the adult organization of the troop to match with any adult’s skills, abilities, and availability.

The adult organization of Troop 279 and Troop 7279 consists of two distinct components: the Troop Committee and the Scoutmasters (sometimes referred to as Scouters). The Troop Committee supports the Scoutmasters in their mission of delivering the Troop’s Programs.  The Scoutmasters are responsible for oversight and delivery of the Troop Program.

Troop Committee
Currently, the Troop Committee consists of a Committee Chairperson, Committee Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Advancement Chair, Fundraising Chair, Equipment Chair, Social Events Chair, Webmaster, Chartered Organization Representative, and Standing Committee Members. The responsibilities of each of these committee positions, are outlined below.

  • Committee Chairperson: oversees the entire Troop.
    1. Organizes the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.
    2. Prepare troop committee meeting agendas.
    3. Call, preside over, and promote attendance at monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called.
    4. Arrange for charter review and re-charter annually, including the charter presentation.
  • Vice Chairperson: the Vice chair will have the same duties as the Chairperson and will be the point of contact if the Chairperson is unavailable or the issue is with the Chairperson.
  • Chartered Organization Representative: responsible for maintaining a close working relationship between the Troops and the Fraternal Order of the Eagles. This position is appointed by the Eagle’s.
  • Secretary: responsible for assembling and emailing the minutes of every committee meeting and coordinating any Troop correspondence. The duties of the secretary include:
    1. Keep meeting minutes and send out committee meeting notices.
    2. Maintain the troop calendar of events.
    3. Conduct the troop resource survey annually.
    4. Coordinates transportation for monthly outings/activities, including summer camp.
    5. Files tour permits for each monthly outing/activity, including summer camp.
    6. Generate the Information Sheet and Permission for each monthly outing/activity, including summer camp. See “9.2, Information Sheet and Permission Slip” for more information.
    7. Train and supervise the Troop Scribe’s record keeping.
  • Treasurer: responsible for maintaining and reporting on the financial resources of the Troops, while insuring that the troop’s financial resources are sufficient and available to meet planned troop expenditures. Duties of the treasurer include:
    1. Handle all troop funds.
    2. Pay bills with the authorization of the troop committee.
    3. Maintain troop savings and checking accounts; reconciling balances with bank statements once a month.
    4. Maintain records of individual scout funds, earned through scout-incentive fundraisers.
    5. Lead the preparation of the annual troop budget.
    6. Lead the Friends of Scouting Campaign.
    7. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
  • Advancement Coordinator: responsible for coordinating all Boards of Review and maintaining advancement records for all Scouts. The Advancement Coordinator’s duties include:
    1. Encourage scouts to advance in rank.
    2. Work with troop scribe to maintain all scout advancement records.
    3. Maintain the merit badge counselor list.
    4. Make a prompt report to the council at the completion of a Board of Review.
    5. Works with the troop librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge pamphlets and other advancement literature.
    6.  Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
    7. Maintain the troop roster.
  • Fund-raising Coordinator: responsible for the evaluation and oversight of all Troop fundraisers. The Fund-raising coordinator is not responsible for coordinating each individual fund-raiser, as each fund-raiser will have its own fundraising coordinator. This position will have a subcommittee and chairs that handle each individual fundraiser.
  • Equipment Coordinator: oversees the purchase, maintenance and storage of Troop equipment. The Equipment Coordinator’s duties include:
    1. Supervise and help the troop procure equipment.
    2. Work with the troop quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment.
    3. Make periodic safety checks on all troop equipment and encourage troops in the safe use of all equipment.
    4. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
    5. Maintains Troop inventory in coordination with the Troop Quartermaster.
  • Social Coordinator: responsible for refreshments and to assist with program at all Courts of Honor, Family Night at summer camp and other recognition dinners. In addition, this position will assist parents in ideas / planning for Eagle Scout Ceremonies.
  • Publicity/Scout Transition Coordinator: responsible for advertising troop fundraisers and publicizing troop activities. As well as work with local packs to promote Troop 279 and Troop 7279 .  Work with Scoutmaster and or Committee to arrange for Troop Visits, etc.
  • Webmaster: Responsible for maintaining troop website, including updates of troop calendar, handbook, and directory.


The Scoutmasters oversee the daily/weekly activities of the troop, and ensure the Patrol Leader Council is providing an appropriate program for the troop.

  • Scoutmaster (SM): The scoutmaster is responsible for overseeing the program for the troop. According to the Boy Scouts of America, the Scoutmaster is responsible for:
    1. Training and guiding youth leaders to run their troop
    2. Work with and through the assistant scoutmasters to bring the scouting program to the troop
    3. Help the scouts to develop by challenging them and encouraging them to learn new things
    4. Guide the scouts in planning the troop program
    5. Help the troop committee to recruit new assistant scoutmasters
    6. Conduct scoutmaster conferences
    7. Arrange and coordinate the use of campsites and other facilities by the troop for each monthly outing/activity, including summer camp
    8. Promote and support the troop objective of one outing/activity per month
  • Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM):The Scoutmaster can have one or more assistants to help him develop the scouting program. One key job of an Assistant Scoutmaster is that of monitoring the progress of the new Scouts. The assistants in the Troop also alternate responsibilities on the planning activities and outings, which encompasses primarily the reservations, transportation, and food shopping.

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© 2025 Scouts BSA Troops 279 (Boys) and 7279 (Girls) - Boy Scouts of America
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