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Fees and Fundraisers

Dues/Chartering: $300.00 per year. Fee’s will be broken up into 3 payments: $100.00 due by mid-September, $100.00 due by mid-January, $100.00 due by mid-April. 

Campouts: These generally average $50.00, but there may be a few that are more expensive and closer to $100.00. These fees are all inclusive (campground or cabin, event costs, food and travel), with the exception being if a Scout wishes to purchase additional snacks or souvenirs if available.

Summer Camp: $355.00 a week for Scouts. Adult price is $80.00.

High Adventure: $675.00 approx. This will vary on where we go and the type of activities we do.

** All fees must be paid at least a week prior to an event, or your child will not be allowed to attend. Some events, such as summer camp and high adventure, may have earlier deadlines.

*If money is a problem or concern for you, please let the Scoutmaster or Committee Chairman know about it. There are ways from council, etc. for attending summer camp, and we can work out a payment plan, etc. for Troop expenses. But please remember, we will not keep your scout out of participating because of money issues.*

Our Fundraisers Include:

With all of the pressure put on scout’s time – school, sports or extra-curricular activities, and scouting – we have found the most effective fundraising is actually provided by the parents. We are active in concession sales at OSU events (sports and concerts) with Levy Restaurants. 

We do other fund raising under Scout Popcorn sales. Additional fundraising opportunities will be brought up and approved by the Troop Committee.

Generally, 90% of the funds raised by a scout or a parent at an approved fundraising event will be deposited into a “Scout Bucks” account for use by the scout to pay for activities, dues, and personal equipment. The other 10% is kept by the unit in order to fund equipment, insurance, and additional unit fees.

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© 2025 Scouts BSA Troops 279 (Boys) and 7279 (Girls) - Boy Scouts of America
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