- May 2016 Mohican Wilderness Campout - My first tent camp in many months was this weekend. I brought the rain. Character was built. This was the first time I saw a gathering at the Eagles nearly 30 people strong in quite a while. Boys were doing all the normal things – loading gear, asking when we would leave, playing chasing games, […]
- Marmon Valley Farm January 2016 - My first campout this scouting season was a good one. Friday night I showed up just as night fell for our departure from the Eagles. The rain was light and the temperature had warmed to about 40. Not too bad for a midJanuary night. We were off to Marmon Valley Farms before too long, and […]
- Troop 279 March 2016 Campout - Friday night started off like many others. The group met at the Eagles. The Troop loaded equipment and cars and we were off. This would be our first campout as the new larger Troop 279 after our new scouts have all joined. Short trip to Blendon Woods and the group camp area named Camp Sugarbush. […]
- Halloween Haunt at Kings Island – October 2015 Campout - Friday night started off like many others. The group met at the Eagles. The Troop and Crew loaded equipment and cars and we were off. For the first time, we used Camp Friedlander for our Kings Island campout. It’s a lot closer (15-20 mins) so when I planned, I figured that was a better drive […]
- Mohican Campout - I was disappointed to hear that Justin would not be attending this campout and I was super psyched that we had 6 adult leaders. As we waited in the parking lot we enjoyed the warm sun and I hoped all the kids were prepared for 30 degree weather. I warned the group that I was […]
- Catapult Campout - It was stated at committee on the 4th that the boys wanted to build a catapult. Mr. Cox told the committee he could draw up designs. With the committee’s consent, Mr. Cox began drawing designs. Over the next few days, Mr. Cox researched and developed an idea. By testing the elasticity of various cables, […]
- January Campout – SnowTrails - Sometimes the best part of a campout is staying in the cabin. Lately there have been many more games to play at these outings like coup,” Are you a traitor?”, and lost island. This most recent campout, we were playing hide and seek in the dark. As I was seeking, I saw two beady eyes […]
- 2015 Marmon Valley Farm Campout - We left and it was light out. Woo Hoo! I had one of our new scouts – Frederick – in my car, so I got to know him a little bit. It is always nice to hear new stories and hear from new families. I played the Guardian of the Galaxy soundtrack again, and once […]
- January Campout – SnowTrails - As usual we rallied at the Eagles parking lot before we left for the campout. There were the normal restlessness of the kids before we left. Milling around, laughing and telling stories. Once all our adults and kids arrived we had everything already loaded and we were ready to hit the road. 19 of us […]
- Dec 2014 campout - This was a fun campout. I am a bit biased because I like games, but that not withstanding, I still think this was a fun campout. We had a an uneventful trip out to Camp Birch, and when we got there, we pulled right up to our cabin. It was a roomy place with several […]