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Troop 279 March 2016 Campout

Friday night started off like many others. The group met at the Eagles. The Troop loaded equipment and cars and we were off.
This would be our first campout as the new larger Troop 279 after our new scouts have all joined.
Short trip to Blendon Woods and the group camp area named Camp Sugarbush.
Once at camp, the youth set up like many other nights, but with some learning for newer and older scouts alike as we transitioned to our brand new tents. (Thanks Troop Committee). After a short learning curve the patrols got them set up and were putting gear in tents.
After the setup, campfires were started, fun with some football, food and fellowship before laying down to get some rest before a fun filled day.
Up Saturday morning to start cooking Scoutmaster Slop (Scout Favorite) Eggs, Hashbrowns and Sausage. Some newer scouts joined in and manned cooking. The youth cooked a pretty good meal as no left overs to be found.
Shortly after breakfast, it started to snow and did so fairly heavily for the next two hours. Justin and Grant tried to put together one of the Rockets which was to be our afternoon fun, but with the cold and wet, the glue would not set. But never fear, scout wouldn’t let a small hiccup ruin their day.
The promptly went to work on getting out woods tools and teaching our younger scouts some points towards earning their Totin Chip.
Check out BSA Troop 279 on FaceBook for many pictures from the weekend, (Thanks Bill)
Lunch was Pie Iron Pizzas and home made Mac and Cheese. Again, nothing left over.
After lunch it had stopped snowing but wind picking up so was still stopping our plans of rocket launches. (But don’t fear, we will incorporate rockets into some future meetings and still do them)
So the boys embarked on a hike, followed by some array of activities from more sawing, hatcetting and Axe use, to some card games (Magic) to some football or just relaxing by the fire.
Dinner was prepared. Hamburgers, Hotdogs and Baked Beans. We were almost stopped by breaking the can opener, but Mr. Barry to the rescue. He had heard of a way to open the cans using the concrete and scrapping them back and forth. Well it worked like a charm.
After dinner, much time was spent by the fire.
Our senior youth leaders Grant, Ryan and Justin used some time to work with patrols in planning a campfire. This is very much a tradition on Saturday night campfires in Troop 279.
Not everyone was happy at the beginning, but we only asked for one skit per patrol. Well once they got into it, we had several additions and a few songs throw in. Even a scout who “never” sings, was singing right along.
After skits, more fire time and crackerbarrel then sever kids started drifting off to bed. Everyone was in bed by 10:30pm.
Up in the morning on Sunday to sunny skies, but a bit cooler temperature. But a fire was going. The boys ate a good breakfast then worked as a team to take down tents and cleanup.
All in all, I think fun was had by all and thats all we can hope for. Check out Boy Scout Troop 279 on Facebook for some great pictures.

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